Slava Kim

Work Experience

Figma Software Engineer

2019 - 2024 United States
  • Core contributor to LiveGraph, Figma's internal auto-realtime GraphQL system, taking it from a prototype to production 2019-2022
  • Performance observability, monitoring and CI systems for the Figma Editor and frontend systems


Winter 2019 Pangyo, South Korea

Brave Security Intern

Summer 2018 San Francisco, CA
  • Fixed security and privacy bugs in the Brave Browser
  • Developed a new micro-service for authorized anonymous operations
  • Built an Ethereum wallet integration and dApps support for the Brave Browser
  • Mentored by Yan Zhu, Brave's Chief Security Officer

Facebook SWE Intern

Summer 2017 Menlo Park, CA
  • Worked on GraphQL client infrastructure: Relay, GraphQL compiler
  • Developed a new open-source debugging tool: Relay Developer Tools
  • Mentored by Lee Byron, GraphQL co-author and open-source maintainer of GraphQL projects

Meteor SWE Intern

Summer 2016 San Francisco, CA

Meteor Core Developer

May 2013 - Aug 2015 San Francisco, CA
  • Core Developer on the very popular open-source web framework Meteor
  • One of the first 10 engineers in the company
  • 40.000 stars on GitHub, top 4 contributor
  • Worked on every part of the framework: datasync, buildsystem, live templating, deployments
  • Contributed to the development of distributed fault-tolerant deployment system: Galaxy

Open-Source & Side-Projects

Meteor and related projects

GraphQL and related projects

Brave and related projects


2014Hackathon WinnerChimeHack
2012Silver MedalistInternational Olympiad in Informatics
2011Bronze MedalistInternational Olympiad in Informatics


MIT 6.148Lecturer, Sponsors Chair, Tech Chair
MIT Climbing TeamMember, Competitor
MIT ATSWeb-Master
MIT KSAWeb-Master
MIT ZBTTech Chair